Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last words to those who don't know me

I wish I had said hello to you, the first day of class. Then maybe we would have become friends by now. No, I am not waving at nobody, I do too know people! (they just don’t pay attention...) You don't have to rely on shock factor to express yourself, you know. Your art is really amazing. Really?! You listen to that band too?! Quit being such a hater. Your parents are people too. Yes, I did see that, but it totally made my day. Did I actually speak out loud? Quit bugging me, and I'll quit bugging you. Even if you don't have makeup on, your eyes are still beautiful. If you are going to hold hands in the hall, stand closer together, so that people don't have to walk across the hallway just to get around you. If only you knew how much I "if only" you. You know, you are much different than you pretend to be. Do you want a piece of gum? Look me in the eyes, and say what you want to say, or quit pretending like you are keeping a huge secret. Why did you take up a whole page in my yearbook? I don't even know you! Yes. Lol. No really, I actually laughed out loud. I'm listening, I promise, but you should really speak up because I can't understand anything you say. Yeah, I know him. You should wear blue more often. This is why we can't have nice things! Is it possible for you to make my day more than once? Thank you for being so inspiring.

1 comment:

Rhonda McGillicuddy said...

I love the way you did this! its so creative! By far my favorite line was "Why did you take up a whole page in my yearbook? I don't even know you!" Because I can totally relate :)